Friday, February 3, 2012

Issues not discussed.

So I was watching Glee. Am watching Glee. And it occurred to me, halfway through the episode I Kissed A Girl that this show covers a LOT of LGBTQ issues that nothing else I have watched ever does. (Okay, so it didn't just occur to me, rather the accumulation of many episodes of dealing with issues and the severity of the issues dealt with brought it to my rapt attention.)

In the previous episode, a member of the club is slightly outed in the hallway of the school. Well, its pretty much known they are gay/lesbian already, and so the rest of the school really doesn't care or mind. The problem is that this conversation leaks its way to politicians who use a campaign video to OUT this person completely publicly as a form of slander against their opponent. Not even caring about whether this young person has a choice in the matter. THIS IS HORRIBLE. In my opinion. I know its fictional, but the fact is that this could happen, and I find this possible situation abhorrent.

Although I must state that the writers of Glee, in my opinion, are amazing, for the very fact that they are dealing with these types of issues in such a public manner. This discussion is getting out through Main-Stream Television. This... in my opinion, once again, is amazing.

I know not everyone who reads this blog enjoys Glee. That's fine by me. If you don't like it, fine. That's not what I'm discussing (ie: raving) here. I'm talking about the issues.

I am now going to post a link:

This link is to a story, which I think may be a year old, but regardless, is still a terrible situation and issue in our country. As a transitioning Transgender Woman myself, I feel I am allowed the right to say thus. Bullying is horrid. I have been bullied in the past. Profusely. Its quite ironic that I've chosen the name I have, as one of the bullies in my past-- possibly the harshest -- was also named thus. I've had a lot of pain in the past, and I never talk about it. Mostly because I'd rather not remember. But it doesn't mean I have forgotten.

No one deserves to be treated any less than a human being. No one.

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